Write and broadcast your CV and cover letter

                       Program solution for a personal  job applications management


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CVitae's presentation


A guide during the whole cover letter writing process

The cover letter pattern is, like a mailing, generated and personalized for every contact, thanks to the use of "variable" keywords.

A rigorous and easy tool for your applications follow-up

The applications (spontaneous/job offer) are saved into your contact list, and can be followed-up until you get the recruiter's answer.

A CV creating tool

With many CV patterns at your disposal, CVitae simplifies CV writing process and results in the creation of a professional-looking resume.
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Some advice
  So that you avoid the "blank page"   
  Here are some cover letter examples, for different situations.


Additional examples on: 


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CVitae download

CVitae is a Freeware. It is then a completely free software, neither limited in time nor in functionalities. There is no CVitae buying version. You can download it, install it as many times as you wish.You can distribute it and copy it.

But CVitae  is nonetheless protected by the International Law on Intellectual Property and remains its software designer property. You are not allowed to dismantle it nor to modify it.



Requirements for the use of CVitae :

Microsoft Windows 98, 2000, XP
Microsoft Word is highly recommended.
CPU 300 Mhz, 128 Mo Ram, Used disk space : 10 Mo.

Setup size: 2.4 Mo
Setup file name : SetupCVitae.exe (Auto installation)

To download the file click here : CVitae V1.3.1

We guarantee no virus is contained in the file, and CVitae has a complete uninstall function.


We don't have a user support function, but it is only because CVitae is very simple to use and gives you contextual help. However, if you have further questions or need to contact us,  please click here.

CVitae user guide: Click here

Contact us : Click here


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